
relay and princess

this previous weekend was hectic to say the least!

this weekend was relay for life and providence princess.

alot of people have asked what i do with my sorority- and alot of people have the wrong idea, thinking that its all about the frat boys and parties. well this weekend was definitely not about that!

relay for life- mostly everyone knows what it is, to raise money for cancer by walking for 12 hours. the event was held in the JWU gym from 6pm friday to 6am saturday. we had 60 teams ( i was on the tri sigma jwu team ), 493 participants ( 30+ were sigmas ), and raised over $32,000! we exceeded all of the goals!

after relay we had another function called providence princess, a community service project with providence teachers union to help high school girls go to their prom despite financial hardship. it was really successful and we outfitted over 170 girls this year!

and after all that i also had work, needless to say i went to bed at 9pm on saturday and slept until about 1pm!
a few of us tried on a dress for shits and giggles ;)
cake i made for initiation ( with ambers help lol )


  1. i rolled the balls on that cake!! and i gave you some dresses!! im proud of you, i like reading all your accomplishments on here :)

  2. I like the dress! And all that you accomplished in one weekend. I love you!
